Small but interesting outdoor taskArtist - TAG. Installed September 2013

We like a challenge at TAG. And a recent advert posted on Craigslist was all together too intriguing


Fast forward a few weeks, and we found ourselves just south of the Elephant and Castle roundabout, installing three fine variants on the TAG Flower Boxes, as a commission piece courtesy of the York Mansions Residents Association, located on a side street off Walworth Road.

As the second of three artworks were being installed, progress was halted by a woman cycling up to the nearby traffic lights. "Is that guerilla art?" she enquired. Having informed her there was permission granted for the work, TAG responded "Would the artwork be better if it was?" Remounting her bike as the lights turned green, the cyclist left a challenging repost "Possibly. Yes."

Through a very successful dialogue, three kerbside placements had been created - these as masking decorations to what was once a trio of lighting wells to the York Mansions basement. This kind of intervention can very easily transform an everyday eyesore into a punctuation point of visual interest. Such seemingly small artworks can create a world of difference.

TAG would like to thank Stuart Whatton for his precision and insight.
All artwork, text and images © Turnpike Art Group 2022.