The TAG Roof GardenInstalled August 2013

Almost a year ago, TAG members began discussions focussed on the introduction of a roof garden, to be located beneath our Shepard Fairey artwork. Over Cafeteria coffee we began the momentum for a major project; one which would provide a steep learning curve, and with it a good few changes of heart. Yet the core ethos remained intact - to soften the street corner with vegetation and visual embellishment, create a bee-friendly pocket of London, and introduce positive emotions through natural formations.

This August we finished installation.

Many hands have helped to make this project work. Critically, we must mention the Community Development Foundation, and Community First - without whose funding this urban micro-garden would not have been possible. There is much ongoing maintenance to come; the spring and summer of 2014 a time when the full visual effect is most likely to be realised. Yet already the bees have found us. And the sight of various fronds waving in the cross wind a welcome diversion from brick and concrete.

All artwork, text and images © Turnpike Art Group 2022.