Golden Silence • London 2015 Artist - TAG. Installed April 2015

Much of the TAG ethos is extracted from a desire to reinvent spaces, and alter their meaning through the introduction of artistic expression. To that end, Golden Silence takes that reframing paradigm one stage further - in making the framework the artwork itself, and asking the viewer to look again at the notion of 'empty', and the potential beauty of the unfilled or unfinished.

Building such gilt-framed fanfare around a moment of seemingly unoccupied surface acts as a metaphor for much of the modern art scene - with the emperor wearing his new clothes while conducting an orchestra playing John Cage's 1952 masterpiece 4'33". Likewise, the curator's choice - in placing any given representation within a frame - calling to question the edict 'this is art'. If a picture can paint a thousand words, what happens when the pages are empty?

Perhaps we are asking the viewer to open their eyes and reignite the power of the imagination. Much like artist Martin Creed's Turner Prize-winning piece Work No. 227, empty space can often evoke a myriad of interpretations. As any image may be more powerful through its absence, so too silence can be golden.

Golden Silence is now available to buy as a limited edition print > BUY

TAG would like to thank Cut-Tec for the generous stencil-cutting used on this artwork.

Golden Silence (over tags) 2015
This original TAG artwork is available to buy from Art@The Westbury

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